Sunday, June 30, 2013

Vacation at Home – Part 13

Authentic to You

Each of us possesses an exquisite, extraordinary gift:  the opportunity to give expression to Divinity on earth through our everyday lives.  Sarah Ban Breathnach, Simple Abundance

Reflecting on vacation at home has been a journey of self discovery.  It has introduced me to - - myself.  What do I do just for the sheer joy of it?  What am I doing when I find myself so engaged and absorbed that I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else? Who am I with, friends or communities, when I experience my best self and I feel most generous?  When do I laugh and love and feel ripples of tender affection on my way home feeling warm and happy? What and who energizes me and gives me joy? 

What do I do on vacation, but never seem to have time for at home? I explore quirky neighborhoods, go on long walks and hikes, get dressed up and enjoy plays, music and art; go dancing, talk, laugh and eat good food; shop for gifts, smell lotions and candles, take bubble baths, get massages, read, (read, READ), collect cards, try on clothes and play with jewelry, hats and sunglasses, sip cappuccinos, eat baked goods and take in the street life writing postcards in cafes. These are simple activities that I can do anywhere.  It is just a matter of making time for them in my everyday life. 

Although these reflections have contained activities that give me great joy, they are also designed to spark your imagination.  I encourage you to create your own ideas that are authentic to you. Remember, it’s not only what you do, it’s how you do it.  It’s moving to your own rhythm, letting yourself be surprised, delighted at what you might discover next, maintaining a lighthearted attitude, staying curious, being fully present and engaged and most of all, refusing to rush. Life is not to be gobbled mindlessly, but savored and deeply appreciated. 

Could the kingdom of heaven be as simple as living an authentic life?

I’m hoping these reflections will inspire you to create the spirit of vacation for yourself. Think of these reflections as a cookbook of ideas for authentic pleasures; recipes for play, fun and joy. Discover what you naturally like to do, not because you should, but because you love it.  I invite you to romp through your own creative heart space, sparking ideas about how you might design a life full of vacations.  Bon voyage!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Vacation at Home – Part 12 

Freedom of Systems 2

Life is nothing more than a stream of experiences - - the more widely and deeply you swim in it, the richer your life will be.  --Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi


I have also developed systems for entertainment and recreation, keeping lists and files of fun activities to enjoy near home.  I peruse the Chronicle (particularly Sunday’s Datebook and Thursday’s 96 Hours) and the East Bay Express, (the annual Best of the East Bay is fabulous), adding to my files of recommended restaurants, cafes, concerts, theaters, museums, and speaker series.   

I clip and save interesting urban walks (found in the venerable 96 Hours) and file away local hikes and swimming holes in the summer.  I keep files on nearby retreat centers, weekend haunts, bed and breakfasts and elegant urban hotels.  I collect information on belly dancing classes, yoga and meditation groups.  

I try to commit to experiencing one new thing a month, whether it be wandering through a new neighborhood, going on an unfamiliar hike, writing in a different cafĂ© , trying a new ethnic food, experimenting with a new lipstick, learning something new in a book or magazine, or even driving a different way to work.  

I like having good books, magazines and interesting things to read in every room of the house and the trunk of the car. (You never know when you’ll have to wait in the doctor’s office and the smartphone only goes so far.)   

I manage the Netflix and streaming queues, so we have an assortment of dramas, comedies, educational series and rock and roll concerts.  I detest wandering around video stores searching desperately for something to rent and late fees give me hives.   

I make sure we always have something sweet, crunchy and fun to eat if people come to visit.  Freedom of Systems Part 1 ensures that our home is clean and uncluttered.

Systems eliminate the stress of the last minute.  They are the structures that make it possible to enjoy vacation at home on a daily basis. 

Here is a list of my thick manila folders stuffed with the following ideas; I encourage you to experiment with your own: 

·        Restaurants and Cafes

·        Hikes and Urban Walks

·        Theater and Movies

·        Music and Concerts

·        Books and City Lectures

·        Classes and Workshops  

I have similar files for weekends and vacations away:

·        Retreat Centers (including hot springs and monasteries)

·        Vacation Weekends (Tahoe, Mendocino, Yosemite, Pacific Grove, Big Sur; you will, of course, have your own)

·        Long Vacations (places I want to see someday . . .)

·        Paris (a burgeoning file devoted exclusively!) 

Have fun developing your own, dear reader! Yes, the Bay Area is an adult Disneyland, teeming with things to do, but it doesn’t matter where you live, Vacation at Home is an attitude, a state of mind and an approach to life that can be enjoyed anywhere.


Monday, June 10, 2013

Vacation Away
Boise, Idaho
The Pictures!
 Thank you to the good Jan Hunter who packed up the lost camera and sent it back to her home! Here are some of the pictures . . .

(from lft to rt)
 Sitting: Amanda, Adam, Kim, Jan
Standing: Jim and Cody 

Aren't these murals cool?

Kind of like Balmy Alley in SF

A Boy and His Dreams

Real Hunters - The Wild West

Walk by the River at the Hunter's

My Beautiful Sister, Kim

Cody and Adam - Success!

Sunday, June 9, 2013



Vacation at Home

McLaren Park

Love our Lake (Merritt)



I saw it in the 96 Hours section of the Thursday Chronicle. Founded in 1934, it is the second largest park in San Francisco, (after Golden Gate Park), and I had never been there! I grabbed my soul sister, hiker/explorer, Ann Cromey, and away we went in search of adventure. 

The article detailed a 2.7 mile loop, coined Philosophers' Way, including “14 musing stations that invite hiker’s introspection, several benches overlooking a meadow and ocean view and a bowl made from stone that catches runoff from nearby hills.” We carefully tried to follow the directions in the article, but alas, we didn’t see any of the musing stations or any stone bowls catching any runoff. We did, however, see the Jerry Garcia Amphitheater, a modern kind of weird structure, albeit kind of cool, mainly because of its name.



We found a perfect place for lunch in the sun and out of the wind and spread out the same lunches we have every time; Ann with her cheese and red pepper sandwich and carrot sticks; me with my half savory, half PB&J sandwich, fruit and pretzels.



She is a friend with a compassionate ear and much wisdom and I decided to chance the big question that comes to visit me every few years: 

Am I doing enough with my life? 

Am I using my gifts? Am I underemployed? Should I have a more challenging, higher paying, prestigious job? (We discarded that one pretty quickly.) Ok, then should I be trekking in Nepal? Maybe I should be parlaying my love for music and become a concert promoter or a chooser of songs for edgy TV programs? What is my big, overriding passion? Should I be turning this blog into a book somehow? Maybe I should be living in a bigger house in Montana? Am I missing out on anything I’m supposed to be doing? Oh, how this question eats at me relentlessly, this question of measuring up to God’s will for my life. 

Wait a minute! God wants me to be happy. These “bad thoughts” are not God’s thoughts. God doesn’t want me to feel restless, dissatisfied and discontent with myself. In fact, God would like for me to quit picking on myself! God created me! 

Ann was my angel that day in McLaren Park, high above the city, assuring me of the path I have chosen, decisions I have made and the ways I am already living out my gifts. Thank the good God for friends who love me and care about me. Friends with whom I can be real. How we need each other, we humans! 

Gratitude is my answer. And realizing that I have lots of passions, they’re just quieter; reading, reading, reading, writing, reading some more about mountain climbers, hiking, spirituality, studying human nature, music, hot spots, restaurants, gathering people and creating experiences.

Rob says it’s about doing what you believe to be quality regardless of what anyone else thinks and finding that part of yourself that creates that and trusting it.

So is staying adventurous and curious and going to places like McLaren Park and visiting our own Lake Merritt with friends and celebrating new pedestrian bridges and the Love our Lake festival, and duck life, (including the frazzle headed teenagers), and the gondolas and gazing at the haunted light of a Bay Area fog-rolling-in-cool summer evening and . . . staying on vacation at home - - forever.

Don't You Love Her Smile?!?

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Vacation Away

Boise, Idaho - The Miracle!


Despite recently turning 50, sister, Kim doesn’t look one day older than she did four years ago at Jen’s graduation but my nephew, Adam sure does! No longer a boy, he has blossomed into a mature young man. He has presence, no doubt about it. I can see why he is becoming a famous actor. His almond shaped green eyes penetrate to your core with deep understanding. He has a stillness about him that at times you feel accompanied by an old and wise spirit . . . then, suddenly, he is a 13 year old boy again, breaking into the enthusiasm and passion of a an excited teenager.


I just couldn’t believe his focus; his ability to stay on one thing until he fully understood it, until it became part of him. He has two passions; acting and home building. Well three passions, really - - counting America. He has made up his mind that he is going to college in America. No old world England and teapots for him! He likes the NEW, the untrammeled, the undiscovered, and the wide open skies of the Rocky Mountain west. 

He has carefully studied the best and biggest home-builders in Idaho, where he plans to attend university. We started at a development in the hills, high above the city and he patiently measured out the size of the lots with his feet, imagining where he would put the living room, bedroom and kitchen, the best place for the perfect view, and together we climbed those hills, until we got to the very top. That boy and his mother sure have imagination!  

(Alas, dear reader, I left my camera in Idaho, so no more pictures after this point. You will have to use your imagination, too!) 

Ok, here comes the miracle. Later in the afternoon, we stopped in a new neighborhood and looked through a model built by, Jim Hunter, owner of Boise Hunter Homes, the biggest custom home builder in Boise. Please understand that Adam had carefully studied all of these models on the internet half way across the world in England. He knew every model, every measurement, every material used in cabinets and closets; in short, every floor plan this man has built.  

We got to talking to the young man showing the model and it turns out that his name was Travis Hunter, son of the famous Jim! I opened it up, introducing everyone and Adam talked excitedly about all of the different models and measurements. After Travis found out that Adam even knew his dad’s name, he whipped out his phone, called his dad and the next scene found us in the nicest restaurant in Boise, The Cottonwood Grill, eating perfectly cooked halibut and Western USA beef with the famous builder, his wife, Jan and even his lovely daughter, Amanda. I will never forget, (and neither will Adam), the good Jim Hunter, head bent toward my excited nephew, patiently teaching and answering all of his questions about the land acquisition and home-building business in Boise, Idaho and beyond.  

The next stay found us with this wonderful family at the Boise Farmer’s Market, where the Hunters of course, knew everyone, and their beautiful daughter, Amanda, came along and even their other son, Cody. We ate crepes and sat around a fountain, talking and laughing and watching the Boiseans. We continued through the afternoon, driving through the dry, open landscape outside the city, touring all of the gorgeous custom homes this man has built and his wife, Jan, has designed. What a miracle team they are, creating homes where people can live, laugh and love! 

We finished the day at their lovely, so Western, 5,000 square foot home, built on a crystal blue lake with glorious views from every room. Jan, Kim and I took a walk in the woods near their house with the lake on one side and the river on the other, and the cottonwoods sprayed their lovely essence on our skin in the late afternoon. In the meantime, Jim and his son Cody were teaching Adam how to fish. He caught five! They had a really cute little dachshund, Mason, who kept running in circles, excitedly licking the flopping fish! (They threw them all back, assuring us that bass are tough.)
This incredible family totally adopted us for the weekend. Never will I forget their generosity! These people have full, busy lives, yet they took the time to give us a whole day and a half. I am inspired not only by their generosity but their spontaneity. I only hope that I would do that, be willing to drop the everyday appointments and errands to meet new people and show them my city. Talk about Vacation at Home! 

Who could have known that Jim Hunter and his magnificent Western architecture homes would so capture the heart of a thirteen year old boy living 30 miles outside of London that he would follow his passion all the way to Boise, Idaho so that we could all meet. When we are living our passion, we attract the people, events and places that we need to propel us forward. Thank you, Adam, for living your passion and bringing us together in this wonderful world God has created for us all.