Sunday, June 30, 2013

Vacation at Home – Part 13

Authentic to You

Each of us possesses an exquisite, extraordinary gift:  the opportunity to give expression to Divinity on earth through our everyday lives.  Sarah Ban Breathnach, Simple Abundance

Reflecting on vacation at home has been a journey of self discovery.  It has introduced me to - - myself.  What do I do just for the sheer joy of it?  What am I doing when I find myself so engaged and absorbed that I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else? Who am I with, friends or communities, when I experience my best self and I feel most generous?  When do I laugh and love and feel ripples of tender affection on my way home feeling warm and happy? What and who energizes me and gives me joy? 

What do I do on vacation, but never seem to have time for at home? I explore quirky neighborhoods, go on long walks and hikes, get dressed up and enjoy plays, music and art; go dancing, talk, laugh and eat good food; shop for gifts, smell lotions and candles, take bubble baths, get massages, read, (read, READ), collect cards, try on clothes and play with jewelry, hats and sunglasses, sip cappuccinos, eat baked goods and take in the street life writing postcards in cafes. These are simple activities that I can do anywhere.  It is just a matter of making time for them in my everyday life. 

Although these reflections have contained activities that give me great joy, they are also designed to spark your imagination.  I encourage you to create your own ideas that are authentic to you. Remember, it’s not only what you do, it’s how you do it.  It’s moving to your own rhythm, letting yourself be surprised, delighted at what you might discover next, maintaining a lighthearted attitude, staying curious, being fully present and engaged and most of all, refusing to rush. Life is not to be gobbled mindlessly, but savored and deeply appreciated. 

Could the kingdom of heaven be as simple as living an authentic life?

I’m hoping these reflections will inspire you to create the spirit of vacation for yourself. Think of these reflections as a cookbook of ideas for authentic pleasures; recipes for play, fun and joy. Discover what you naturally like to do, not because you should, but because you love it.  I invite you to romp through your own creative heart space, sparking ideas about how you might design a life full of vacations.  Bon voyage!


  1. Hi, Karla,
    I wanted to send you the link to my blog, but I don't have your email. So here's where it is:

    Lori Korleski Richardson

  2. I love the list of all the fun things you do. You sound so happy, and that makes me feel incredibly good too, as of course I want YOU to be happy. It's one of the central principles of my job description.
