Sunday, February 9, 2014

Rainy Day Retreat
Vacation at Home

I have a cold. My colds always come on the same way; it hurts a little when I swallow, (my very first clue every single time), accompanied by a headache and an off-mood; shortly blossoming into entire throat on fire, drippy nose, stuffed head, puffy eyes and general yucky-ness. I am going to rest this one out – I am committed to it! I have stayed home all weekend. I cancelled everything – and I mean, everything. I’ve read, I’ve learned, I’ve rested, I’ve stayed really really still.

Yesterday I spent the entire day (almost) underneath the poofy down comforter, with the cats, endless cups of tea, books, journal, cell phone and Little Slick, (my Macbook Air given to me by my good husband). I journaled, I prayed, I meditated, I read spiritual literature to my heart’s content. I had nowhere to go, nowhere to be, no one to satisfy. I looked at pictures, I pretended I was on a boat, floating through the sunset, (don’t you love this picture?)

I petted the kitties, I kissed their noses, I talked to them on and off all day. I watched old Little Feat You-Tube videos and dug up some obscure articles about Lowell George. I talked with ‘Neasie, my friend from high school, and together we reasoned out our lives for two hours. Then I took a two hour nap.

I woke up all sweaty and yucky and decided to do a few things, just a few! I threw in a load of laundry, cleaned out the kitty boxes and vacuumed the couch. Then I took a bubble bath and read about Pope Francis. (Can you even believe that the Pope is on the cover of the Rolling Stone?!? I never thought I’d live to see that!)

Together with the article in the New Yorker, I have learned a fair amount about him, (or at least the American liberal slant). He is humble that is for sure, never expecting when traveling to Rome, going to the conclave, he would actually become the Pope! And he waited. He appeared more mainstream than he is. They initially thought he was a pretty conservative choice. Then he got in! And decided to use his power to shake a few things up! He can be a fierce guardian of tradition if he needs to – but he doesn’t seem to care about birth control or the gay issue! He cares about poor people! He cares about the common folk and income inequality and he is exposing the very core value, (god?) of the conservative – the holy free market which helps them keep their money! He is exposing the systems and getting the bad guys out of there! God bless his good soul!

And I love that he drives around in a Ford Focus. That just tickles me.

So anyway, back to my retreat; the only difference between today and yesterday thus far, is I have migrated from underneath the poofy comforter to underneath the chenille throw in front of the fire, gazing out at the rain and the fog from our high perch in the city. And it’s still technically morning, and I have a whole day left of this bliss. I’m looking forward to reading Anna Karenina and my new spiritual book, The Spiritual Art of Creative Silence by Jeanie Miley.

I love time.  Precious, life-giving time. Time is the most sacred resource I have. Thanks be to God! And it is not lost on me what a luxury this is to be able to take a weekend off from the world. I have a warm home, a loving husband, good friends, good books, good food -  I don’t have kids to take care of or the kind of job where I have to show up even when I’m sick. I’m well aware that many, many people do not have this. And I am grateful, I’m actually overflowing with gratitude. I am one lucky girl.


  1. I'm praying for your health, my friend. Thank you for not sharing your cold with those of us in church today. Blessings.

  2. I hope spring has sprung and your cold is long gone. Sometimes we are gifted with being sick or having a hip replacement just so we can luxuriate in the "now" and just be. Oh, and read. love you!
