Sunday, November 18, 2012

The Joy of Movement – Cycling and Hiking

power in the body, fresh air, exercise that is fun, sustainable, healthy , ecstasy of movement, invigorating, rhythmic, flow, fits in the daily round . . .


I took up cycling when I lived in a small, bike-friendly town in New Jersey. (yes, there are small towns in New Jersey!)  It’s rhythmic and you get to see pretty places and be outside. I loved the speed and the wind on my face. (Are you beginning to see a pattern here?)  

I was in my early 30’s, recently divorced from my five year practice marriage and was lonely for companionship. I decided to join the Sierra Club and go on their Saturday bike rides.  I met an awesome group of people and I loved riding all over the green countryside in the fresh air, clearing my mind after a long work week. We became a tightly knit community, enjoying many weekends, Thanksgiving dinners and holidays together, giving me connection and a wonderful sense of belonging when I most needed it.   

One of the peak experiences of my cycling career was riding the five boro bike tour in New York City. I will never forget the image of bikes, bikes, and more bikes riding high on the bridges connecting the boros. I had never seen those bridges devoid of cars. It was surreal. 

I left my car in New Jersey when I first moved to Eugene. My bike was my sole source of transportation for about six months. What a simple, uncomplicated life. Eugene is designed for cyclists; some places are even closer by bike than by auto. When I moved to the busy Bay Area, I gave up the bike.  Navigating through traffic with skinny or nonexistence bike lanes was not my idea of fun. 


The Sierra Club folks also opened up a whole new world of hiking for me. Who would think, after Wyoming, that I would take up hiking in New Jersey?!? And it has stayed with me. If I have a whole day or afternoon, I like to combine exercise with my expedition days.   

Hiking is a wonderful way of moving my body and being enveloped by trees, water and sky at the same time.  It has a simplicity about it that appeals to me.  It requires very little gear and takes minutes to grab my boots, make a lunch and fill a pack.  I love moving through the trees and that feeling of power in my body climbing the hills. I am greeted by magnificent views (and a snack!) when I reach the top.

I am forever grateful to the foresight of the early settlers in the Bay Area who set aside huge parcels of land for hiking trails and wildlife preserves, particularly the East Bay Regional parks. It is a spiritual human need to be outdoors. I believe there is no finer way of filling that need than propelling my body amongst the great beauty of hills, trees and sky.


  1. I love how much I learn about you, dear friend, from this blog. I always see you with wind whipping through your hair, even when it isn't. :) xxoo

    1. I know, it seems that all the sports I love involve hair whipping and fresh air!

  2. Karla - I just adore you. I love this post. I love that you did that famous NYC 5 borough bike ride! It's on my list! I want to bike ride with you! Come to NYC and we'll do a loop around Central Park. My goal is to do the NYC Century Ride next year. Not sure if you saw my post about my bike stuff, but here it is:
    I love walking with you - I can only imagine a bike ride!

    1. I LOVE that you know about the 5 borough bike ride! Of course you do! You're a New Yorker! I'd love to do that with you some day, (the five borough ride, not the Century!)I adore you, too!
      And thank you for your post - I'm going to it now!

  3. I particularly like the part about your practice marriage. Lucky for me!

    1. Oh, what a sweet comment from my sweetie!
      I am oh, so grateful for you and for what we create together.
