Thursday, November 8, 2012

The Joy of Movement - Skiing

In my dreams!
Some movement memories bring up feelings of loss. I was once a pretty hot skier and motorcycle rider. I loved controlled speed. One of the coolest things my dad ever did was to buy me a Kawasaki 90 when I was fifteen. Maybe he felt guilty about moving me from Huntington Beach, California to Spring, Texas?!? I found myself a boyfriend who had a dirt bike and he let me ride it, opening up a whole new world of speed and savvy. 


I’m content to leave the motorcycle riding in the past, but my heart sometimes aches for the skiing. I gave it up when I moved away from the cold. I don’t know if it was the expense or the fact that Rob doesn’t ski, but I haven’t skied for over twenty years. I often have dreams about skiing. I’m so excited, anticipating gliding down the slope, and just as I am about to get off the chair lift, the dream ends. 

Skiing was a part big part of my life when I lived in Wyoming. When we moved there from Texas, I decided to learn some winter sports, so I would be willing to go outside. That was another really cool thing my Dad did for us – taking us to a used ski equipment sale and outfitting the family.

I loved the speed and the rhythm of skiing, the cold fresh air on my face, the good looking guys and navigating the mogul fields.  I loved the sunlight on the snow, the wide open slopes and the huge sky. I even taught young people how to ski one winter. Of course you know I loved being part of the cool ski instructors group!

And guess what!?! I’m actually going skiing this January! One of my best friends will be completing her general ordination exams and she wants to celebrate on the slopes. I decided it was time. I took myself to Any Mountain in Berkeley and bought a smashing ski outfit, dug out my gloves, hat and goggles from storage, and rented a house for the four of us, husbands included), seven miles from Heavenly Valley in Lake Tahoe. Reinventing Karla, Chapter 3, here we go!  

Please pray with me that my vertigo will not stop me from doing what I want to do. Restore my balance good God!


  1. Kevin and I will keep the home fires burning.

  2. Oh, no! The two of you are going to be snowboarding!
