Sunday, December 23, 2012

A  Bracebridge Birthday

Celebrated annually since 1927, the Bracebridge Dinner transforms the Ahwahnee dining room in Yosemite into a 17th century English manor for a feast of food, song and mirth; an elegant and artistic four-hour pageant of classic carols, Renaissance rituals and entertainment of the Middle Ages.
A phone call early in the morning is rarely a good thing. The birthday began with our friend calling with much apology that they would not be joining us for the celebration. There had been a brutal colitis attack in the middle of the night and they would be going to the emergency room instead of meeting us in Yosemite. Everyone felt terrible and we were all very sad that they would not be with us for the festivities. Additionally, it was quite unfortunate that they were also slated to drive not only their dear selves, but also the Droste formal wear for the Bracebridge dinner and concert.
As you can well imagine, a lot of scrambling ensued during the early hours of December 20th, my birthday. Several phone calls were placed, attempting to entice friends to come on up and use the tickets. We pieced together an outfit for me out of beautiful Joy’s wardrobe, but poor Rob was out of luck. As he tried on Jeff’s trousers and sport coat and I saw the hem gathered around the tips of his shoes, even I had to admit that it just wasn’t going to work.
Calls were frantically made to the Ahwahnee Hotel, (do you have extra formal wear for the dining room?) We briefly toyed with the idea of contacting the costumer of Bracebridge and turning Rob into an English squire. The Ahwahnee option petered out early and so did the squire idea. Was the only option left to drive five plus round trip hours to meet our friend halfway in Merced? Really?
I declared, “It’s time to pray!”
We prayed. We prayed out loud. We prayed hard.
I slowly began to let go. I was getting ready to surrender the whole thing. I really didn’t want my sweetie driving for most of the day on ice encrusted roads just to get clothes. I imagined other scenarios God might have planned for us. Maybe a slow drive around beautiful Yosemite with its unworldly winter light on the gray rock, followed by snuggling up in our room with a couple of holiday movies and lots to eat? And then, Rob’s cell phone rang, right in the middle of the prayer. Joe said YES!
I was so happy to unzip the wardrobe bag and see my rose lace dress of delicate beauty. I wore it on my 40th birthday when Robbie and Franzie threw me and my new husband an elegant birthday party. (That’s what it said on the invitations, an Elegant Dinner Party.) That dress has good juju. And Rob looked every bit the handsome gentleman in his tux and tails. I’m even getting used to the beard with its flecks or silver and wisdom. Could this man really be my husband? After celebrating twenty-one birthdays with him, I’m still excited that he’s mine!
We arrived at the Ahwahnee soon thereafter and he gave me my gift in the Great Room as we sat by the enormous fire. I opened the pretty little box and . . . oh, boy - - Lucy jewelry! And it perfectly matched my dress!
Lucy Jewelry

Joe strode into the gift shop with his fine brocade vest, red cowboy ribbon tied neatly in a bow and long, grey curls flowing out of his cowboy hat. He’s a cowboy/actor/musician from South Dakota; the real thing. I admired him for dropping everything at the last minute, gathering up our clothes and hurtling down the road in his Yosemite.
I do believe that the Bracebridge dinner and performance is the most glorious holiday event in the country - - maybe even the world! I knew every note of the four hours of music, having prepared by listening to it in Little Red driving to work and writing cards and wrapping presents at home.
Our friend, Joy, has performed with Bracebridge for years now and this year she was promoted to manager of the whole extravaganza. She was resplendent in her blue finery and jewels singing The Cantique de Noel in a quartet right at our table.
My favorite part was the magnificent peacock slowly processed down the long hall of the Ahwahnee dining room, followed by my favorite course of sumptuous “peacock” (duck confit) strudel/pie. My second favorite was the plum pudding and the French chef bemoaning forgetting the plum, but not the rum! (or the brandy).
Have you ever tasted plum pudding dear reader? Oh, my goodness! The closest comparison is an ever-moist slice of carrot cake, but better, each bite sublime. The men at the table positively moaned at the baron of beef. Picture Karla and four dapper gentlemen seated at the performer’s table right up front. Could a girl even ask for a better birthday?
Joe got another great big gift for saying yes. In addition to the Bracebridge dinner, due to an overbooking, he was placed in the special Ahwahnee suite, with a panoramic view of the waterfall and brilliant Yosemite granite. Joe, Jeff, Rob and I celebrated in style after the show, gathering around a robust fire, sipping rich red wine, laughing and sharing stories.

And if all this was not enough, God had one more present for me to top off the evening. Jeff persuaded the entire cast to sing Happy Birthday to me after the show! It was a moment I will never forget. If you’ve never had over fifty professional choristers sing you Happy Birthday, let me assure you that it was a peak experience. Put it on your bucket list.
Joy, Jeff, Joe and Rob, how can I think you enough? You gave me one of the finest birthdays I’ve ever celebrated. It was a wonderful beginning to my 56th year on the planet.
A Very Happy Birthday Girl!




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