Thursday, September 19, 2013

My Happiness Project - Thank you, Gretchen Rubin! Part 2

I’m pretty excited about this Resolutions Chart idea. Rubin declares that life is more fun when I keep my resolutions. That sounds pretty good to me; motivates me to create my own chart.

Thank you so much to all of you who shared with me what makes you feel good. It was delightful reading all of your ideas. It made me smile when I took a much needed break from the book proposal. One of my very favorite parts of writing this blog is my relationship with you. I love knowing that you are reading and having fun creating your own ideas on fun, vacation at home and happiness.

So I find myself at the next question. Reflecting on what makes me feel bad isn’t near as fun as thinking about what makes me feel good. So, I’m not going to spend a whole lot of time on it, but it must be done.

Ok, so here is Rubin’s second question:

What makes you feel bad? What are sources of anger, irritation, boredom, frustration, or anxiety in your life?

·        When things don’t work!

·        When I’m in a hurry. (I realize that so much of my irritation, impatience, stressed feelings and frustration come out of being in a hurry).

·        When I have too much to do.

·        When I work so circularly that I get overwhelmed and nothing really gets finished.

·        When I’m tired.

·        When I don’t know what to do next.

·        Chaos, disorder, disruption.

·        When I start getting obsessive.

·        When I step on my kitty’s tail.

·        When I break something.

·        When I won’t let go; of my point, a bad feeling or thought, an argument.

·        When I get a pen mark on my white pants.

·        Waiting in line.

·        When I compare my life with someone else’s.

·        Worrying about earthquakes.

·        Worrying about anything.

·        Traffic.

·        Complaining, blaming, nagging and gossiping.

Well, that made me so icky, I had to go refresh my iced tea and indulge in a oaty apricot “munch bar”.

Friends, what makes you feel bad?

Signing off from the Depot Café out on the patio with lots of trees and hanging flowers in Mill Valley, September 19, 2013

1 comment:

  1. What makes me feel bad?
    1. Believing that my future happiness depends on getting other people to do something. Anything.
    2. Frittering away a perfectly fine day off.
    3. Going on a food binge and feeling fat.
    4. Fighting with Karla about anything, large or small.
    5. Comparing myself to others - compare and despair
    6. Getting no exercise (related of course to 3 above)
    7. Not meditating.
    8. Not doing enough art.
    9. Not playing music enough.
    10. Letting others' meanness get to me.

    You're right -- it feels icky. Off to do a bunch of positive things for myself that make me happy!
