Sunday, October 14, 2012

Rotation of the Seasons – The Fall Purge!

changing the colors, sweaters, boots, tights, leggings, belts, scarves, flannel sheets, autumn flowers on the deck, baskets of apples, pots of tea . . .

Out of the Closet - Berkeley
I love the solid, eternal rhythm of the seasons and the eternity of place.  Seasonal rituals give me great comfort. The beginning of each season marks sacred moments that I can count on year after year. There is almost nothing more pleasurable for me than the change in the seasons. I can count on that newness every quarter, filling me with the hope and anticipation of a new day.  

The Rotation of the Closet 

One of my favorite rituals to bring in a new season is the rotation of the closet. Rob always knows when I joyfully announce the end of summer and beginning of fall and pass a delightful Saturday morning rummaging in the bedroom, replacing the sundresses, strappy sandals, pretty straw hats and colorful scarves with sweaters and boots, cashmere lined leather gloves and mufflers, moving the olives, browns, velours and velvets back to the working side of the closet. Every year he says he can feel the happy waves emanating from the bedroom. 

At least twice a year, I clear out the old, outdated, over worn, I’m sick of them, clothes, together with purses, scarves, shoes, jackets, old dishes and picture frames  - -  scoop it all up, load it in Little Red (bursting at the seams) and deliver it to Out of the Closet, a marvelous organization, started by Magic Johnson to raise money for AIDS.  Oh, delight!  Nothing feels more satisfying than the seasonal purge.   

When I am tempted to go get more, I listen to my wiser self, counseling me to not fill it all up again too soon.  Leave some wide open, empty spaces and enjoy the looseness of it all.  Savor what I kept.  Enjoy our uncluttered, clean home. Leave some room for new beginnings.


  1. I think we are cut from the same cloth. I do this too. I have boxes I fill and stack in the garage to donate to the White Elephant Sale. I have to remind myself not to go back into the boxes, that there's a reason why the things are in there are in there. I try and go room by room to make space for the season... holiday napkins, holiday hankies, cashmere... love the post, as always.

    1. I think we are definitely cut from the same cloth, soul sister! Now if I could only cook and bake like you can, I would be fully content . ..
